LIFE OF AGONY Frontman To Release New Solo Album In April

February 7, 2008

According to a posting on LIFE OF AGONY vocalist Keith Caputo's MySpace page, his new solo album, "Fondness for Hometown Scars", will be issued in Europe on April 7 via Suburban Records.

Audio samples of all 12 tracks that are set to appear on "Fondness for Hometown Scars" are available at this location.

"Fondness for Hometown Scars" was produced by Martyn Lenoble (JANE'S ADDICTION, DAVE GAHAN, PORNO FOR PYROS, THE CULT) and features the following band lineup:

Keith Caputo - Vocals
Jochem Van Rooijen - Drums
Marcel Signor - Guitars
Michiel Rietveld - Bass/Acoustic Guitar

Guest musicians include:

Zac Rae (PEDESTRIAN) - Keyboards
Gerry Leonard (DAVID BOWIE) - Guitars
Craig Ross (LENNY KRAVITZ, SHERYL CROW) - Electric Guitars/Acoustic

"Fondness for Hometown Scars" was mixed by Vincent Jones (SARAH MCLACHLAN, DAVID GAHAN, MORRISSEY) and Martyn Lenoble and was mastered by George Marino at Sterling Sound in New York City.

"Fondness for Hometown Scars" track listing:

01. Crawling
02. In December
03. Troubles Down
04. In This Life
05. Nothing To Lose (Songbird)
06. Sad Eyed Lady
07. Silver Candy
08. Got Monsters
09. Son Of A Gun
10. Devil's Pride
11. Bleed For Something Beautiful
12. Son Of A Gun (Reprise)

A video interview with Keith Caputo conducted by Jacob V. Nissen on September 19, 2007 at Voxhall in Århus, Denmark can be viewed at

Watch fan-filmed video footage of Keith Caputo performing in Zwolle, Holland on September 13, 2007:

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